Saturday, October 1, 2011

In Theaters : 50/50 (2011)

Official Synopsis : Inspired by a true story, 50/50 is an original story about friendship, love, survival and finding humor in unlikely places. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen star as best friends whose lives are changed by a cancer diagnosis in this new comedy directed by Jonathan Levine from a script by Will Reiser. 50/50 is the story of a guy's transformative and, yes, sometimes funny journey to health - drawing its emotional core from Will Reiser's own experience with cancer and reminding us that friendship and love, no matter what bizarre turns they take, are the greatest healers.

Genre: Drama, Comedy

What to Expect : Not a Seth Rogen film. It's not full of raunchy gags, but it's not overly melodramatic either. This is a piece of heartfelt cinema that transcends the mixture of drama and comedy and becomes an actual slice of life, full of heart and profound insight.

Critical Response : Positive. It's rare that critics agree to love a movie almost unanimously, but they did here. The common denominator in all the reviews was Joseph Gordon Levitt's perfect performance and the able writing and directing. Even the detractors acknowledged these facts, although they felt that the movie as a whole is quite uneven. Overall, the movie was regarded as one of the best new releases this fall. Rated 92% on Rottentomatoes.com from 103 positive and 9 negative reviews.

More Details : 

  • Starring : Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen, Anna Kendrick, Bryce Dallas Howard, Anjelica Huston, Matt Frewer, Philip Baker Hall.

  • Director : Jonathan Levine.

  • Screenplay : Will Reiser.

  • Running Time : 99 min.

  • Rating : R for language throughout, sexual content and some drug use.

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