Monday, February 7, 2011


 The remake of what is considered one of the first ever torture porn movie (also released on Blu-Ray this week) has arrived. To get an idea about this movie, just read the MPAA's list of reasons for its original R rating: ''pervasive strong sadistic brutal violence, rape and torture, nudity and language''. It's impossible to knowingly recommend this to anyone, unless they are hardcore horror fans, or willing to subject themselves to something truly disgusting.

Formulaic and lazy, this movie is a poorly conceived tear-jerker/comedy. Sure, Dushamel and Heigl have chemistry and that keeps the movie afloat, but in the end you question the reasons for this movie to exist. And it's not really that funny either. It might be a good idea to just rent it first, if you really want to see it.

The sequel to the 2009 surprise hit brings much of the same recorded horror and, honestly, it's not that bad. Some of it feels a bit familiar, and you kind of know what to expect from it, but it still works. A third movie has been announced, but I'm not sure how long they can keep doing the same trick over and over again. I mean, look at how bad the "Saw" movies got. It's worth giving it a try, especially if you loved the first movie.

A Candy-Hughes collaboration ? How can you resist it ? It's not the director's most accomplished work, but it's still a damn good comedy featuring one of John Candy's most memorable performances. What more could you ask for ? It's a must have.

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