Friday, September 20, 2024

New Soundtracks: THE OUTRUN (Jan Miserre & John Gürtler)

Jan Miserre
John Gürtler

Total Time:

Decca Records

Purchasing Links:
MP3, Apple Music

Release Date
September 13, 2024

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Find more about the soundtrack (previews, track list) after the jump.

Product Description: After living life on the edge in London, Rona attempts to come to terms with her troubled past. Hoping to heal, she returns to the wild beauty of Scotland's Orkney Islands where she grew up.


1. Dance of the Selkies (2:29)

2. Orkney (2:10)

3. Arise (Inland Version) (1:50)

4. Beyond the Noise (1:44)

5. Never Again (2:52)

6. It Could All Just Be in Your Head (2:19)

7. Corncrake (3:15)

8. Ring of Brodgar (2:13)

9. A Call from Dad (2:00)

10. Selkie Swimming (2:09)

11. They Belong to the Sea (2:23)

12. Have You Ever Felt Like You Could Control the Weather? (1:23)

13. The Tremors (2:01)

14. Cravings (1:42)

15. The Long Way Home (4:37)

16. One With the Wind (1:54)

17. Gyro Nights (3:35)

18. Tides of Surrender (2:51)

The Outrun Soundtrack John Gurtler Jan Miserre


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