Saturday, May 18, 2024

New Soundtracks: INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE Season 2 (Daniel Hart)

Daniel Hart

Total Time:

Milan Records

Purchasing Links:
MP3, Apple Music

Release Date
May 17, 2024

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Find more about the soundtrack (previews, track list) after the jump.


1. Imagine Never Being Able to Dream (5:30)

2. She Could Dream, Thank You (4:29)

3. The Whole World Was Ready to Return (3:11)

4. Paris Sucks (Daniel Hart & Evan Smith) (5:16)

5. Who Are the Young Men (3:30)

6. They Invited Us for a Hunt (Daniel Hart, Evan Smith & Marc Osterer) (2:06)

7. Armand tor You (2:54)

8. Raglan James (Daniel Hart & Damir Orascanin) (2:47)

9. The Fourth Great Law (2:32)

10. A Vein Winding Through the Heart of Paris (Daniel Hart, Veronika Vitazkova & Anna Frisanova) (3:51)

11. I Don't Like Windows When They're Closed (Daniel Hart & Alina Cherone) (2:03)

12. Amadeo (Daniel Hart & Eleanor Tinlin) (3:36)

13. Madeleine (Shruti Kumar) (3:54)

14. Abducted (4:40)

15. Take As Many With Me As I Could (Daniel Hart & Bobak Lotfipour) (1:58)

16. Hello Francis, Goodbye Francis (Daniel Hart & Evan Smith) (3:26)

17. First Time in New Orleans (Shruti Kumar) (2:23)

18. I Didn't Know It Was a Gift (4:13)

19. Ladies and Gentlemen (Daniel Hart, Hideaki Aomori & Bobak Lotfipour) (3:10)

20. Jardin De Satan (Daniel Hart & Hideaki Aomori) (2:28)

21. Come to Me Again (Daniel Hart & Sam Reid) (1:06)

22. Annika (Daniel Hart, Iosua Dascal & Damir Orascanin) (4:03)

23. Le Bucheron (Daniel Hart & Damir Orascanin) (2:17)

24. Flirty Salesman Shuffle (Daniel Hart, Evan Smith & Bobak Lotfipour) (1:41)

25. Woodcutter (1:20)

26. The Five Great Laws (7:11)

27. Baby Lu (0:48)

28. Je N'Aime Pas Fenêtres Quand Fermée (Daniel Hart & Alina Cherone) (1:02)

29. For a Young Violinist Again (2:27)

30. Love Wronged (3:10)

31. In Nomine Magni (1:34)

32. Followed Closely By My Madness (4:44)

33. Vien À Moi Encore (4:36)

34. Come to Me on Rue Royal (2:00)

Interview With The Vampire Season 2 Soundtrack Daniel Hart


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