Sunday, January 14, 2024

New Soundtracks: BLOOD & TREASURE (Kyle Newmaster)

Kyle Newmaster

Total Time:

CBS Studios

Purchasing Links:
MP3, Apple Music

Release Date
January 9, 2024

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Find more about the soundtrack (previews, track list) after the jump.


1. The Adventure Begins (3:29)

2. Danny McNamara (0:44)

3. Blood & Treasure Main Title (0:17)

4. Lexi's Heist in Monte Carlo (1:18)

5. The Underground Bazaar (2:52)

6. Operation Königin, Giza 1942 . (2:21)

7. The Brotherhood of Serapis Intervenes (1:10)

8. Driving to the Ruins (0:40)

9. Lexi Spots Farouk (1:22)

10. Motorcycle Chase (1:36)

11. Secret Vatican Tunnel (1:02)

12. Farouk at Porto Di Andrea Doria (1:19)

13. Safehouse Shootout (1:49)

14. Danny & Lexi's Love Theme (1:53)

15. The Secrets of Castle Schädelberg (4:03)

16. Moroccan Market Chase (1:59)

17. Everyone I Love Dies (2:36)

18. Through the Venice Canals (1:02)

19. Secrets of the Brotherhood (1:34)

20. Cleopatra at Last (2:55)

21. Lexi and Roarke's Epic Battle (1:12)

22. Attempted Confession (1:37)

23. Simon's Capture (1:43)

24. Blood & Treasure Main Title (Extended) (0:38)

25. Reunion at La Galleria dell'Accademia (0:54)

26. Attack at the Vatican (1:59)

27. Breaking Into the Giftschrank (1:57)

28. Father Alonso Investigates (2:37)

29. Duel at the Jade Viper Room (3:57)

30. Frantic Chase in Ha Long Bay (0:58)

31. The Wrath of Batu (1:48)

32. Exploring Stalin's Bunker (2:00)

33. Mongolian Protectors (1:34)

34. Secret Weapon Violet (0:43)

35. First Christmas Together (3:10)

36. Chuck Takes Giancana's Confession (2:28)

37. Patrick & Danny's Final Goodbyes (2:20)

38. The Battle at Jiushu Shaolin Temple (2:34)

39. The Real Khan (0:56)

40. Lexi's Loyalties (2:10)

41. Unearthing the Banner of Ghengis Khan (2:51)

42. Treasure Squad, Assemble (1:53)

43. Race Against Time (0:45)

44. Arthur Chan's Heroic Turn (1:17)

45. Chaos in Hong Kong & Chuck's Prayer (4:09)

46. Final Showdown on the Helipad (4:56)

47. Together in the End (2:31)

48. Welcome Home Shaw (1:56)

49. Heroes Rewarded (1:52)

50. Chuck's Promotion & A Happy Ending (1:11)

51. The Start of Another Adventure (1:34)

Blood And Treasure Soundtrack Kyle Newmaster


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