Thursday, September 2, 2021

New Album Releases: VOYAGE OF A SEA-GOD (Laurence Perkins)

Laurence Perkins


Total Time:

Record Label:

Purchasing Links:
CD, Apple Music

Release Date
July 2, 2021

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Find out more about this album release after the jump.


Disc 1:

1 . Introduction and Allegro Richard Henry Walthew City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:40)

2 . Scherzo humoristique Op. 12bis Sergey Prokofiev City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:48)

Bassoon Sonata in G major Op. 168

3 . Allegretto moderato Camille Saint-Saëns City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:52)

4 . Allegro scherzando Camille Saint-Saëns City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (4:15)

5 . Molto adagio - Allegro moderato Camille Saint-Saëns City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (6:23)

Incidental Music from Macbeth

6 . Lament Granville Bantock City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:54)

7 . Dance of the witches Granville Bantock City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (3:47)

Threnody and Scherzo

8 . Threnody Arnold Bax City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (11:17)

9 . Scherzo Arnold Bax City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (6:54)

Bassoon Sonata

10 . Leicht bewegt Paul Hindemith City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:12)

11 . Langsam - Marsch - Beschluß, Pastorale-Ruhig Paul Hindemith City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (6:24)

Quartettino for four bassoons

12 . Ostinato William Schuman City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (1:15)

13 . Nocturne William Schuman City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (1:29)

14 . Valse William Schuman City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (0:57)

15 . Fughetta William Schuman City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (1:13)

Sarabande et Cortège

16 . Sarabande Henri Dutilleux City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:41)

17 . Cortège Henri Dutilleux City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:03)

18 . Minuet 'Grace for a fresh egg' Herbert Howells City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:00)

Disc 2:

Concertino for bassoon and string orchestra

1 . Moderato Elizabeth Maconchy City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:39)

2 . Lento espressivo, intimo Elizabeth Maconchy City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:52)

3 . Presto giocoso Elizabeth Maconchy City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:07)

Caliban and Ariel

4 . Caliban Alan Ridout City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:46)

5 . Ariel Alan Ridout City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (4:21)

Concerto for bassoon and small orchestra

6 . Prologo Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (1:51)

7 . Recitativo I Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:12)

8 . Recitativo II Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:55)

9 . Aria Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (10:13)

10 . Cadenza Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (2:07)

11 . Adagio lamentoso Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (3:45)

12 . Epilogo Andrzej Panufnik City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (1:39)

Bassoon Sonata

13 . Moderato Richard Rodney Bennett City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (6:25)

14 . Forlana Richard Rodney Bennett City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:01)

15 . Molto allegro - Andante Richard Rodney Bennett City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (6:04)

16 . Dreams of Stac Pollaidh David Bedford City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra / Laurence Perkins / Carducci String Quartet (5:07)

Voyage Of A Sea God Laurence Perkins Album


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