"Quiz" is a British drama miniseries directed by Stephen Frears ("The Queen", "Philomena") and written by James Graham ("Brexit: The Uncivil War ", "The Crown") based on Graham's play of the same name and the book "Bad Show: the Quiz, the Cough, the Millionaire Major" by Bob Woffinden and James Plaskett.
The series is based on the true story of the cheating scandal where Charles Ingram (Matthew Macfadyen), his wife (Sian Clifford) and Tecwen Whittock (Michael Jibson) worked together to cheat on the British Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? game show in the 2001. The cast also features Aisling Bea, Michael Sheen, Helen McCrory and Elliot Levey.
"Quiz" premiered on April 13, 2020 on ITV in the UK, and on May 31, 2020 on AMC in the U.S.
Find out more about the series after the jump.