Tuesday, December 8, 2020

New Soundtracks: MANK (Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross)

Trent Reznor
Atticus Ross

Total Time:

The Null Corporation

Purchasing Links:
MP3, iTunes

Release Date
December 4, 2020

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Find more about the soundtrack (previews, track list) after the jump.


1. Welcome to Victorville (2:15)

2. Trapped! (1:17)

3. All This Time (2:01)

4. Enter Menace (0:48)

5. First Dictation (2:23)

6. A Fool's Paradise (1:33)

7. Once More Unto the Breach (2:05)

8. About Something (0:54)

9. Glendale Station (1:16)

10. What's at Stake? (0:53)

11. Every Thing You Do (3:01)

12. Cowboys and Indians (1:20)

13. Presumed Lost (1:09)

14. (If Only You Could) Save Me (3:18)

15. Means of Escape (0:49)

16. All This Time (A White Parasol) (0:34)

17. M.G.M. (2:51)

18. A Respectable Bribe (1:03)

19. I, Governor of California (1:32)

20. A Leaden Silence (0:54)

21. San Simeon Waltz (4:55)

22. Time Running Out (0:44)

23. Mank-heim (1:24)

24. Lend Me a Buck? (1:20)

25. You Wanted to See Me? (1:03)

26. In Your Arms Again (3:18)

27. The Dark Night of the Soul (1:09)

28. Clouds Gather (0:13)

29. Way Back When (3:19)

30. An Idea Takes Hold (3:40)

31. Marion's Exit (3:18)

32. Absolution (1:05)

33. Scenes from Election Night (4:23)

34. Election Night-mare (1:31)

35. All This Time (Dance Interrupted) (1:01)

36. All This Time (Victorious) (1:12)

37. I'm Eve (0:32)

38. A Rare Bird (2:10)

39. Look at What We Did (2:30)

40. Menace Returns (0:33)

41. Forgive Me (2:15)

42. Final Regards (1:11)

43. Where Else Would I Be? (1:04)

44. The Organ Grinder (1:52)

45. All This Time (Not No More) (1:13)

46. Costume Party (1:10)

47. Dulcinea (0:37)

48. Shoot-out at the OK Corral (1:42)

49. The Organ Grinder's Monkey (2:24)

50. An Act of Purging Violence (0:38)

51. All This Time (Happily Ever After) (4:45)

52. A Rare Bird (Reprise) (2:26)

Mank Soundtrack Trent Reznor Atticus Ross


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