Tuesday, August 11, 2020

New Soundtracks: AN AMERICAN PICKLE (Michael Giacchino & Nami Melumad)

Michael Giacchino
Nami Melumad

Total Time:

WaterTower Music

Purchasing Links:
MP3, iTunes

Release Date
August 7, 2020

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Find more about the soundtrack (previews, track list) after the jump.


1. Workin' For Love in All the Wrong Places (4:13)

2. New World Problems (5:52)

3. A Greenbaum Family Reunion (3:34)

4. Seltzer Your Soul (2:13)

5. The Lonely Herschel Club (4:33)

6. Klezmer Fight Club (1:07)

7. Who Gives a Boop Bop (1:38)

8. When the Greenbaum Breaks (0:57)

9. Pickle Your Fancy (3:10)

10. Revenge of the Ben (2:54)

11. The Pickle Empire Strikes Back (5:18)

12. The Fall and Rise of Herschel's Twitter (5:45)

13. The Herschel You Give (1:11)

14. Yes You Canada (2:52)

15. The Greenbaum Switcheroo (2:45)

16. Schlepping to Schlupsk (3:24)

17. Joining the Kaddish (2:50)

18. Denouement to Be (3:59)

19. The Silver Brining (2:03)

20. Pickles, Suite or Sour (Michael Giacchino) (4:06)

An American Pickle Soundtrack Michael Giacchino Nami Melumad


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