Monday, November 4, 2019

New Album Releases: MONSTER (R.E.M.) - 25th Anniversary Edition


Alternative Rock

Total Time:

Record Label:
Craft Records

Purchasing Links:
CD (standard), CD + Blu-ray, MP3, Vinyl, Apple

Release Date
November 1, 2019

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Find out more about this album release after the jump.


Disc: 1

1. What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

2. Crush With Eyeliner

3. King Of Comedy

4. I Don't Sleep, I Dream

5. Star 69Strange Currencies

6. Strange Currencies

7. Tongue

8. Bang And Blame

9. I Took Your Name

10. Let Me In

11. Circus Envy

12. You

Disc: 2

1. Pete's Hit

2. Uptempo Mo Distortion

3. Uptempo Ricky

4. Harlan County with Whistling

5. Lost Song

6. AM Boo

7. Mike's Gtr

8. Sputnik 1 Remix

9. Black Sky 4-14

10. Revolution 4-21

11. Rocker with vocal

12. Time Is On Mike's Side

13. 1Experiment 4-28 no vocal

14. Highland Fling 4-29

15. Cranky 4-29

Disc: 3

1. What's The Frequency, Kenneth? (2019 Remix)

2. Crush With Eyeliner (2019 Remix)

3. King Of Comedy (2019 Remix)

4. I Don't Sleep, I Dream (2019 Remix)

5. Star 69 (2019 Remix)

6. Strange Currencies (2019 Remix)

7. Tongue (2019 Remix)

8. Bang And Blame (2019 Remix)

9. I Took Your Name (2019 Remix)

10. Let Me In (2019 Remix)

11. Circus Envy (2019 Remix)

12. You (2019 Remix)

Disc: 4 1. What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

2. Circus Envy

3. Crush With Eyeliner

4. Near Wild Heaven

5. Welcome To The Occupation

6. Undertow

7. I Took Your Name

8. Strange Currencies

9. Me In Honey

10. Revolution

11. Tongue

12. Man On The Moon

13. Country Feedback

14. Monty Got A Raw Deal

Disc: 5

1. Losing My Religion

2. You

3. Departure

4. Orange Crush

5. Get Up

6. Star 69

7. Let Me In

8. Everybody Hurts

9. So. Central Rain (I'm Sorry)

10. Pop Song 89

11. Its The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Disc: 6

1. Monster - 5.1 Surround Sound

2. Monster - Hi-Resolution Audio

3. Road Movie (concert film)

4. What's The Frequency, Kenneth? (music video)

5. Crush With Eyeliner (music video)

6. Star 69 (music video)

7. Strange Currencies (music video)

8. Tongue (music video)

9. Bang and Blame (music video)

Monster Rem 25th Anniversary Edition Expanded Edition Box Set

Monster Rem 25th Anniversary Edition Vinyl

Monster Rem 25th Anniversary Edition


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