Friday, March 4, 2016

KNIGHT OF CUPS Featurette and 21 Clips


Terrence Malick's "Knight of Cups" is now in theaters, so here are twenty-one clips and a new behind-the-scenes featurette. The clips also include some short viral videos that introduce the viewer to the film's surreal atmosphere. Some of the clips are unfortunately in German, but they're still very pretty to look at thanks to triple-Oscar winner Emmanuel Lubezki's amazing cinematography.

As far as how good the movie is, there seems to be a split consensus out there. Malick provides another deep exploration of troubled characters, but while some critics find it admirable and moving, others think it wanders into self-parody. Overall, it looks like this is not one of the director's best films.

The film stars Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman, Antonio Banderas, Isabel Lucas, Imogen Poots, Wes Bentley, Freida Pinto, Teresa Palmer, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Brian Dennehy and Ben Kingsley.

Watch the clips and featurette after the jump.

Knight of Cups Movie Poster 2

Official Synopsis
"Knight of Cups follows writer Rick (Christian Bale, The Fighter, American Hustle) on an odyssey through the playgrounds of Los Angeles and Las Vegas as he undertakes a search for love and self. Even as he moves through a desire-laden landscape of mansions, resorts, beaches and clubs, Rick grapples over complicated relationships with his brother (Wes Bentley) and father (Brian Dennehy). His quest to break the spell of his disenchantment takes him on a series of adventures with six alluring women: rebellious Della (Imogen Poots); his physician ex-wife, Nancy (Cate Blanchett); a serene model Helen (Freida Pinto); a woman he wronged in the past Elizabeth (Natalie Portman); a spirited, playful stripper Karen (Teresa Palmer); and an innocent Isabel (Isabel Lucas), who helps him see a way forward. Rick moves in a daze through a strange and overwhelming dreamscape -- but can he wake up to the beauty, humanity and rhythms of life around him? The deeper he searches, the more the journey becomes his destination. The 7th film from director Terrence Malick (The Thin Red Line, Tree of Life), Knight of Cups (the title refers to the Tarot card depicting a romantic adventurer guided by his emotions) offers both a vision of modern life and an intensely personal experience of memory, family, and love. Knight of Cups is produced by Nicolas Gonda, Sarah Green and Ken Kao. Prominent crew includes cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (Gravity, Birdman), production designer Jack Fisk, costume designer Jacqueline West, and composer Hanan Townshend (To The Wonder). The film's ensemble cast also includes Antonio Banderas, Cherry Jones and Armin Mueller-Stahl."


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