Official Synopsis: Set in the suburbs during the 1970s, the story unfolds like a dream wrapped around a family drama, one in which all members of the Cantwell family struggle to find their way in a rapidly changing world. Maggie is a vulnerable yet tempestuous teenager who acts as big sister and surrogate mother to her three younger siblings. Upstairs in the attic she tells them fantastical stories, but only to mask what is happening downstairs. As her hard-drinking parents, Martin and Donna, entertain guests, Maggie grapples with their flawed choices and is thrust into a world she might not be ready for.
Release Date: February 8, 2013 (US)
Release Date: February 8, 2013 (US)
- THIS IS 40 (2012) - Exclusive Red Band Trailer
- PACIFIC RIM (2013) - Trailer and Poster
- BATES MOTEL (2013) - First Trailer
- I GIVE IT A YEAR (2013) - New Trailer
- PARKER (2013) - Behind-the-Scenes Featurette
- BROKEN CITY (2013) - New Trailer
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