Synopsis: This action-packed thriller stars Nicolas Cage as Will Gerard, a happily married family man whose quiet life is turned upside-down when his wife, Laura (January Jones), is brutally attacked one night while leaving work. At the hospital, waiting for news about his wife’s condition, Will is approached by Simon, (Guy Pearce) who proposes an intriguing offer: Simon will arrange to have a complete stranger exact vengeance on Laura’s attacker, in exchange for a favor from Will in the near future. Distraught and grief-stricken, Will consents to the deal, unwittingly pulling himself into a dangerous underground vigilante operation. While continuing to protect his wife from the truth, he quickly discovers that his quest for justice could lead to frightening and deadly consequences.
Buy from (Click links to order):
- DVD ($14.96) - 1 Disc
- Blu-ray/DVD Combo ($19.96) - 2 Discs
- Amazon Instant Video (Rent - $3.99 | Buy - $14.99)
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Run Time : 105 Min. Distributor : Anchor Bay/Starz Rated : R for violence, language and brief sexuality
Worldwide Box-Office: $12M
Run Time : 105 Min. Distributor : Anchor Bay/Starz Rated : R for violence, language and brief sexuality
Worldwide Box-Office: $12M
DVD/Blu-Ray Special Features:
Trailers & Clips
- Behind the Scenes
- Trailer
Trailers & Clips
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