Synopsis: In a house haunted with memories, gangster and father Ulysses Pick (Jason Patric) arrives home after a long absence towing the body of a teenage girl and a bound and gagged young man. His gang waits inside his house, having shot their way past police. There is friction in the ranks. Ulysses, however, is focused on one thing: journeyĆing through the house, room by room, and reaching his wife Hyacinth (Isabella Rossellini) in her bedroom upstairs. The equilibrium of the house has been disturbed and his odyssey eventually becomes an emotional tour, as the ghostly nooks and crannies of the house reveal more about the mysterious Pick family.
Buy from (Click links to order):
- DVD ($20.24) - 1 Disc
- Blu-ray ($29.99) - 1 Disc
- Amazon Instant Video (Rent - $3.99 | Buy - $14.99)
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Run Time : 94 Min. Distributor : Monterey Video Rated : R for graphic nudity, sexuality, violent content and some language
Worldwide Box-Office: N/A
Run Time : 94 Min. Distributor : Monterey Video Rated : R for graphic nudity, sexuality, violent content and some language
Worldwide Box-Office: N/A
DVD/Blu-Ray Special Features:
Trailers & Clips
- Note: Send Me to The "Lectric Chair"
- F-hole. The music behind Keyhole by Jason Staczek
Trailers & Clips
OTHER DVD/Blu-Ray Releases :
- BIG MIRACLE (2012)
- PROJECT X (2012)
- EVITA (1996) - 15th Anniversary Edition
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